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Noora Heikkilä’s

Letters for Lucardo on Kickstarter!

Ed Fiedler is a common man.  

61 years old and employed as a scribe in a royal palace, his most regular client is Lucardo von Gishaupt, a forever-young aristocrat… and member of the mysterious and revered Night Court.When the eternally 33-year-old Lucardo and the aging Ed develop feelings for one another, both are forced to contend with the culture shock of a mortal man’s presence among the deathless, the dangerous disapproval of the sitting Lord of the Night Court, and Ed’s own ever-present mortality, threatening to bring an end to their romance in the blink of an everlasting eye.

You can read a 10-page preview of LfL here, on the ICC tumblr!

Back the KS now to increase the artist’s pay,  and secure your copy before everyone else!

And follow the creator here on tumblr at @claystorks!

Thank you again for the already-fantastic response to this project! Let’s finish strong! 

Letters for Lucardo by @claystorks is the first in a planned…

Letters for Lucardo by @claystorks is the first in a planned four-book series, and Iron Circus Comics’ latest erotic graphic novel!

This fantastic new comic is about an aristocratic immortal, and his ill-advised love for a human man in the autumn of his mortal life.

Ed Fiedler is a common man, 61 years old and employed as a scribe in a royal palace. His most regular client is Lucardo von Gishaupt, a forever-young member of the mysterious and revered Night Court. When the eternally 33-year-old Lucardo and the aging Ed develop feelings for one another, both are forced to contend with the culture shock of a mortal man’s presence among the deathless, the disapproval of the sitting Lord of the Night Court, and Ed’s own ever-present mortality, threatening to bring an end to their romance in the blink of an everlasting eye.

Iron Circus Comics’ next Kickstarter launches October 24th! Follow Spike on Kickstarter to know the moment the project goes live!

Miss Iron Circus Comics’ last Kickstarter? Not to worry. PDFs of…

Miss Iron Circus Comics’ last Kickstarter? Not to worry. PDFs of both My Monster Boyfriend and Yes, Roya are now available in the Iron Circus shop!

Yes, Roya, set in 1960s California, written by @spikedrewthis, drawn by @ghostgreen, and with a cover by @kinomatika, Tells the story of Wylie Kogan. An aspiring artist, a fawning fan letter grants him access to his cartoonist hero, the wealthy and celebrated Joseph Ahlstrom, Wy’s quick to take advantage of a proffered portfolio review … but winds up learning more than he ever wanted to about Joe when he stumbles across some of his idol’s illicit fetish art. His hasty, ill-considered theft of a drawing triggers a series of events he never planned on … most of which involve Joseph’s imposing and resolute partner, Roya.

A m/f/m femdom story, Yes, Roya is ICC’s FIRST (but definitely not last!) erotic GN!

And My Monster Boyfriend is ICC first themed erotic comics anthology! 220 pages of cute monster boys! Robots, demons, aliens and spirits, with their human and not-so-human lovers, in ten incredible stories by comics’ best and brightest.

Grab one, the other or both now, at the ICC store! 

Nope, it’s not Friday. But ICC’s got a new title for…

Nope, it’s not Friday. But ICC’s got a new title for you ANYWAY.

But then, well, maybe not…?

Iris & Angel isn’t exactly new; the first chapter’s already been written by myself, drawn by @littlefroggies, and posted on Slipshine, the subscription adult comics site. But Slipshine came with certain restrictions; monthly quotas, length limits, and the expectation of sex every fifteen pages, to name a few. And while that works for a lot of comics, it wasn’t working for I&A.

So, Amanda and I are trying something new.

Iris & Angel is restarting from scratch, and will be released chapter-by-chapter on ComiXology and in the Iron Circus Comics online store!

This is a new approach for us, and we’re excited to see where it might lead. We’re test-driving a smaller, cheaper, more incremental approach to our comics; inexpensive “issues” of I&A with a nice, low bar for entry for the curious and the freedom to tell the story as we like.


Iris Moore is a victim of her own success; her small soap-making business has taken off like a shot, but she’s found herself floundering with the financials. With April 15th approaching and her paperwork more hopelessly scrambled than ever, she finally accepts the inevitable: she needs professional help. But where to start?

A fetish message-board on the internet, of course.

Iris’ pervy roommate Tate talks her into answering the weirdest personal ad ever posted; a cross-dressing accountant offering tax prep. And what begins as a hands-off, close-encounter with kink unexpectedly evolves into something much deeper when Iris and Angel discover desires they never anticipated; a deep attraction to both one another, and the new and unfamiliar world of fetish culture itself.

Iris & Angel! Coming this winter, from Iron Circus Comics! 😀

Rejoice, friends!  Yes, Roya is now available on…

Rejoice, friends!  Yes, Roya is now available on ComiXology!

Curious to see what the fuss is all about? Want easy access to the smutty GN of the year on a platform you’re familiar with? Looking for some fun, filthy reading? Well, today’s your day!

Yes, Roya is the story of Wylie Kogan, aspiring cartoonist, and his once-in-a-lifetime meeting with his hero, the rich and famous artist Joseph Ahlstrom. The meeting takes an odd turn, though, when Wy discovers- and unthinkingly pilfers- some of his idol’s illicit fetish art. But his acquisition doesn’t go unnoticed, and puts him directly in the sights of Joe’s resolute and imposing wife, Roya.

Yes, Roya is 140-odd pages of impeccably written artists’ intrigue, snappy dialogue, and super-duper hot sex, primarily of the M/F/M variety.

Why not give it a shot?

It’s Friday again! That means I get to announce the newest Iron…

It’s Friday again! That means I get to announce the newest Iron Circus Comics title!

And this time the TITLE OF THE WEEK is Sparks, by Sarah W. Searle!

Set in the late Victorian era, Sparks begins with Patience, a kindhearted country girl, and her introduction into the world of formal service on the grounds of an English country manor. Selfless, dutiful, and just a touch naive, she takes to both her place as a parlor maid and to her new roommate, the bookish and progressive lady’s maid, Esther.

In another time, the two women would have likely kept one another’s company forever in their little attic bedroom, living out their days together in the employ of a Lord. But the world is changing. The age of Empire has brought with it not only plundered wealth, but worldliness and social revolution. Suffragists agitate in the street, idle-rich bohemians challenge sexual mores, and Patience and Esther slowly come to realize the world is wider and full of more adventure and opportunity than they ever imagined… so long as they find the will to seize it.

Currently serialized on Filthy Figments, the internet’s biggest and best collection of woman and NB-made erotic comics, Searle’s Sparks will be collected, remastered, and published by Iron Circus Comics in 2017 as part of the Smut Peddler Presents line of erotic graphic novels! But if ya can’t wait that long? Subscribe to Filthy Figments and start reading it right now.

Thanks for reading, everybody! Don’t forget to follow creator Sarah W. Searle’s tumblr at @swinsea. And keep following us right here! We have MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS coming! 

Happy Friday, everyone! Who wants to hear about Iron Circus…

Happy Friday, everyone! Who wants to hear about Iron Circus Comics’ latest title?

TITLE OF THE WEEK: Crossplay, by Niki Smith!

Another Smut Peddler Presents erotica title, Crossplay is a graphic novel-length complete re-imagining of a much shorter story Niki’s told before, featured on Filthy Figments. Set at an anime con and starring a cast of college kids, it’s about discovering your sexuality and gender identity through fandom and cosplay; using what you love to figure out who you are, and what will make you happy.

Personally speaking, I’m really excited to see Niki take this on. Fan communities can be so important in more ways than one.

Crossplay will be serialized during its production on Filthy Figments, home of the internet’s premiere collection of erotic comics by women and non-binary cartoonists. Can’t wait for 2017? Subscribe now and read along in real time.

Check out the artist’s tumblr at @niki-smith!

And keep watching this blog! NEW ICC COMICS ANNOUNCED EVERY WEEK!