Pajama Con 2020

Iron Circus Comics presents Pajama Con 2020

Iron Circus, like many, had planned to attend Emerald City Comic Con. But as the show has now been officially postponed, we don’t intend to let the weekend go to waste: Inspired by the Comfy Con that Randy Milholland and Danielle Corsetto organized in 2014, we’re throwing a little stay-home con of our own. It’s pajama time, baby!

First, we’re holding a sale in our store! If your shipping address is in the United States, you can use the coupon code pajamacon2020 to get free shipping, plus 10% off cover price!

Second, we’re running three days of livestreams on the Pajama Con Twitch channel on March 13th–15th. Here’s our schedule. All times are CST!

Friday 3/13

Saturday 3/14

Sunday 3/15

  • 12:30 pmIntro/Opening
  • 01:15 pmBusting Gates & Breaking Formats: Exploring Today’s Experimental Comics
  • 02:35 pmArtist Alley
  • 02:40 pmDirty Old Ladies Live: Staying Focused While Working from Home
  • 04:05 pmMia Hye Mardikian
  • 04:40 pmShannon Campbell panel

Questions for our guests? Email them to the host, Amanda Lafrenais!

Promoted panels

To apply, email [email protected] with a subject line in the following format: “PC20 Booth/Artist Alley/Panel: [Name].” We’re updating this page with more information as our plans evolve, and we’re also promoting this event on the Iron Circus Twitter account using the #pajamacon2020 hashtag.

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